Talking Care: The Business (28 April)
Event Start Date: 20210428
Event End Date: 20210428
Location: Zoom
Venue: UK (GMT)
11am, Wednesday 28 April
“The average daily home care visit lasts 30 minutes. For the remaining 1,410 minutes a day there’s 24/7 monitoring from Beanbag Care.”
Secure’s Beangag Care team is hosting a series of short, free webinars that explain how new, intelligent technology is unlocking four key barriers to home care business growth.
- Increasing your capacity – Beanbag Care is the equivalent of increasing your carer numbers by up to 20%
- Monitoring and improving care quality – For the first time view customer feedback after every visit
- Keeping your carers caring – Enables carers to care for the right people at the right time
- Generate extra income – Secure useful new revenue every month
“This is not a webinar about technology – this is about the future of home care business”
Register to hear a clear, jargon free presentation that will:
- Explain how technology will improve home care and help reverse the increasing care gap caused by an aging population and complex care needs.
- Clarify how home data gathering and analytics deliver real world care benefits.
- Discuss how technology will enable people to live at home for longer – and allow you to care for them profitably