Positive John: Sanjaya Singhal
Technology came easily to him, electronics in particular. Invention too. I worked closely with John for many years and had the chance to observe how he worked, which leant me a unique insight into the apparently undisciplined world of a genius.
Positive Breaking boundaries and learning
I have been working in software development for the last 10 years. But I have never tried to develop an understanding of metering hardware; nor have I tried to understand the impact of hardware design on software design.
Innovative Of colons semi-colons and full stops
Kaushik, it is all fine out here.....I am not a ‘full stop’ yet; just a ‘semi colon’. These were the words of John when I called him up when he had returned from the hospital after a surgery to remove the malignant part of his colon (large intestine). Yes, I am talking of John Spensley Fielden (1921-2002), inventor and former research director at PRI Limited.
Trustworthy Bhubaneshwar
We were preparing for a large grid metering tender at the Bhubaneshwar branch. Considering our past record at Orissa we knew the expectation from all sides was that we would win it!
Tenacious Bob
The name had appeared on the patents which led us to Calmu technology. It remained just another name till I met first him in the autumn of 1991. Bob was leading a retired life in Reigate. Our first conversation, started as planned with metering but ended up an exploration of the electricity supply industry of the UK
Tenacious Trainee to Professional
Every individual has his own way of preserving memories and reliving them over time. Today I sit at my table with the many memories that are preserved of my tenure at Secure Meters and I wish to share every inch of life spent here.
Self aware Grown with Secure – an experience shared
People join organisations after attaining qualifications and professional degrees. For me Secure has always been a learning institution. My self awareness and the support from the organisation have encouraged me to gain professional degrees and implement them in my work life.
स्व-जागरूक सिक्योर का प्रताप
जनवरी की सर्द रात में एक पतली कमीज़ पहने ठिठुर रहा था वो. मैंने कार रोकी और पूछा, ‘‘कौन हो और इतनी सर्दी में यहां कोने में अकेले क्यों बैठे हो?
सरल अतीत के पन्नों से
उन दिनों दिल्ली में हमारा ऑफिस लाजपत नगर में था, अगले दिन हमारे नन्हे जीवन की सबसे बड़ी परीक्षा थी. हम भारत सरकार के कई वरिश्ठ अधिकारियों, जिनमें ऊर्जा सचिव और प्रधान मंत्री के ऊर्जा सहायक भी थे, के समक्ष डेमो देने वाले थे. दिल्ली पहुंचने पर पता चला कि डेमो में सीईए के चेयरमैन और तीन डायरेक्टर भी शरीक़ होंगे. इस तरह डेमो में आने वालों की संख्या करीब 80 तक होने वाली थी. अब ये तय था कि हमारी टैक्नोलॉजी दिखाने का इससे बढ़िया मौका हमें दोबारा नहीं मिलेगा.