Press release
For immediate release
For immediate release
-Beanbag Care awarded position on Homecare Monitoring & Scheduling Solutions framework 394_19
Property technology specialistsSecure Meters,has announced thatitsBeanbagCare Quality Assuredsolutionhasbeen awarded a position onESPO’s Homecare Monitoring and Scheduling Solutions framework.
Beanbag Care Quality Assured is a connected home (or internet of things), solution that improves carer decision making, delivery and quality through remote home monitoring and feedback.
For the first time, Beanbag combines the traditional digital scheduling and monitoring used by local authorities and care providers with new, real-time quality of care monitoring technology, gathering information via a web enabled tablet.
This allows local authorities and care providers top proactively measure the frequency and standard of care received by an individual carer at any time, and then allow this data to be further shared with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as part of the audit procedure.
Uniquely, BeanbagCare Quality Assured also enables the user’s family and loved ones to check that care has been delivered via a smart phone app, through which they can also leave feedback.
Local authority adult care and housing providers are increasingly recognising the significance of remote home monitoring technology as a means of allowing older people to remain safely in their own homes for longer, whilst maintaining care standards in the face of an increasingly aging population.
The technology also helps tackles social isolation amongst older residents with an easy to use friends and family Skype calling interface, allowing them to quickly connect with a community of pre-programmed contacts of their choosing.
ESPO is a public sector owned professional buying organisation (PBO), and has been specialising in providing a wide range of goods and services to the public sector for over 35 years.ESPO services over 200,000 UK public sector customers a year, including those in education, local authority and government, NHS and emergency services, charities and social landlords.
Nigel Ebdon, market development manager at Secure Meters says: “Beanbag Care Quality Assured being awarded a position on ESPOs Homecare Monitoring and Scheduling Solutions framework is an exciting step for what we believe is an innovative evolution in the care for older people.
“The beauty of BeanbagCare is in its simplicity both for the operator and the user-and crucially the user’s family.
“The system captures notifications related to aspects of a carer’s attendance without bias, before automating tailored reports on the quality of that care for all relevant parties.
“This information can then be used in a variety of ways, but most importantly to improve the quality of care and the wellbeing of the user–whilst delivering evidence driven efficiency for the operator, and peace-of-mind for the user’s family.
He concludes: “Looking at the bigger picture Care Quality Assured and Beanbag’s other care solutions are all about allowing older people to safely live in their own homes for longer, whist more intelligently managing, deploying and improving precious care resources”.
For further details on ESPO framework 394_19 Homecare Monitoring and Scheduling Solutions visit – framework link
For more information on Beanbag Care QualityAssured, Secure Meters please call David Innes-Edwards on 07939 137 098 or email
Notes to editors
About Beanbag Quality Care Assured
Beanbag Quality Care Assured improves the quality of care by providing information on carer attendance and by getting feedback from the service user and their family members. It will assist care agencies in their Care Quality Commission (CQC) Audits, which will improve the overall service. The system will give peace of mind to relatives and those being cared-for, as well as helping to improve the overall provision of care.
The service will enable:
Quality Care Assured is one of four Beanbag Care service solutions:
About Secure Meters & Beanbag
Founded in 1987, Secure Meters is a utility and property technology specialist employing more than 6,500 people across bases in India, Australia, UK, Malaysia and Sweden.
The company built its reputation developing and manufacturing precision utility meters, with products installed in around 50 countries.
Its UK operation, Secure Meters UK Ltd, has deployed over six million smart meters in British homes alone.
In 2017, Secure Meters launched Beanbag, a ‘space’ created for better understanding and solving some of the challenges facing modern housing.
Beanbag’s mission is to deliver an evolving range of smart, web-connected property solutions, designed to improve the quality of homes and the lives of people who live in them.
This includes tackling issues such as fuel poverty, more independent living for an aging population and monitoring the quality of the home environment.
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