Energy efficiency and fuel poverty
Energy efficiency and fuel poverty are closely related concepts that affect the way we consume and manage energy resources in society.
Damp & mould in the home
Damp and mould problems are common in the UK due to the country's cool and wet climate.
Carbon monoxide in the home
In the UK, the law requires the installation of carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in all new and rented residential properties...
Protecting a vulnerable population
A person’s home is supposed to be a safe and comfortable environment, but an estimated 653,000 households in the UK...
Distribution reforms and metering
The vertically integerated State Electricity Boards were created for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity as per the provision of the Indian Electricity Act.
Effective management of rural loads by demand side management
During past two decades irrigation loads have grown exponentially. Growth in power generation has been slow as compared to the load thus there is a deficit of power.
Import and export of electrical energy
Electricity is generated by generating stations and transmitted to load centers from where it is distributed to end consumers. These load centers are controlled by distribution utilities
kVAh metering: magic solution or an aberration
The search for innovative solutions has lead to the concept of kVAh metering. Measurement of kVAh and related tariffs are expected to help in reducing reactive currents in the system by commercially motivating consumers to install reactive compensation at their premises.
National Smart Prepayment Rollout
A SLA driven model; supporting large scale smart metering rollout and to make best use of economies of scale while fostering market competition with introduction of new role of smart metering service provider or AMISP
Prepayment metering system
The term prepaid has been very much in news since the mobile revolution began in India a decade ago. Various factors have led to the genesis of prepayment metering concept in India keeping in view the benefits that's going to accrue to all involved in the concept and its acceptance.
Interoperable solution for energy meters
The electricity utilities all over world have invested a huge sum of money in electronic metering over the years. These meters have been purchased from different manufacturers.
Interoperability standard for energy meters – an Indian experience
The electricity utilities all over the world have invested huge sum of money in electronic metering assets over the past two decades or so. The primary motivation to switch to electronic metering has been the potential use of the information that these meters could provide.
Harmonics in power system and metering
The issue of harmonics is debated at various levels. Harmonics are generated in the system. Generally the effect of harmonics is studied in voltage or current. The current harmonics flow in the system generates voltage harmonics which results into power harmonics.
Summation metering
Electricity metering over multiple feeders is a common problem faced by the electricity supply industries, independent power producers, railways and on grids interconnecting two states.
Transition from electricity post paid system to prepayment: from consumer to customer
Prepayment in electricity as a technology is a stable system available for implementation. The industry has been witness to successful implementations in South Africa and The United Kingdom in the earlier decade