Talking Care: The Business (30 March)
Event Start Date: 20210330
Event End Date: 20210330
Location: UK (GMT)
Venue: Zoom
11am, Tuesday 30 March
“The average daily home care visit lasts 30 minutes. For the remaining 1,410 minutes a day there’s 24/7 monitoring from Beanbag Care.”
Hosted by Secure, who are innovating the home care sector, with Beanbag Care. This free webinar will explain how new, intelligent technology is unlocking the key barriers to home care business growth:
- Increasing your capacity – Beanbag Care is the equivalent of increasing your carer numbers by up to 20%.
- Monitoring and improving care quality – For the first time view customer feedback after every visit.
- Keeping your carers caring – Enables carers to care for the right people at the right time.
- Generate extra income – Secure useful new revenue every month.
“This is not a webinar about technology – this is about the future of home care business”
Register to hear a clear, jargon free presentation that will:
- Explain how technology will improve home care and help reverse the increasing care gap caused by an aging population and complex care needs.
- Clarify how home data gathering and analytics deliver real world care benefits.
- Discuss how technology will enable people to live at home for longer – and allow you to care for them profitably.