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Changes in sleep patterns or normal daily routines may indicate a health problem

Spotting a change in an older person’s normal behaviour, habits or routine could help identify an underlying health concern. The challenge is to recognise these changes early so that intervention can be provided at the right time.

Our technology monitors and alerts when a person changes their normal daily routine. We install sensors in a service user’s home that monitor movement during normal daily activities and can identify changes in sleep patterns. The system uses unobtrusive data processing and machine-learning to inform family and care providers about exceptional changes in a service user’s life, so that a response can be provided quickly if needed.

Detect changing habits for signs of health deterioration

Most people go to sleep, wake up or eat at regular times. A change in these daily habits can provide an indication of changing physical or mental health even before a deterioration is realised. Our self-learning system identifies these changes and creates alerts in an unobtrusive fashion, so that care can be tailored.

Provide data for care package assessments

One of the biggest challenges in homecare is to make sure that a package of care meets the ongoing needs of a service user. Alerts that indicate a potential health need can help care coordinators tailor an individual’s care needs.

Reduce administrative costs

Determining whether the right package has been provided to the service user is a task that requires a lot of administrative overhead. At the same time, managing missed appointments because a service user is not available is onerous. By receiving information about their habits or unavailability, these costs can be avoided.

Prepare more easily for CQC audits

Preparing for CQC audits will no longer be a painful task. Using the data generated, we prepare regular reports that are essential for care providers to improve risk management and operational performance. Following the changing habits of service users is a leading method of identifying potential risks.

Get in touch

Contact one of the team about the benefits of Beanbag Care.

Tel: +44 117 9788 700